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SHHE Events - Updated 7/24/24

SHHE-Sponsored Events (events that are eligible to request SHHE insurance coverage and have 10 percent or more of the membership participating)


Opening Mass Homeschool Year Kickoff (Aug/Sept)

Each fall, SHHE families come together in gratitude for the opportunity to educate their children and to ask for blessings upon the coming school year. Our Diocesan Bishop, Auxiliary Bishop, or SHHE clergy celebrates the Opening Mass, which is followed by either a family picnic or a potluck provided by the SHHE families.

Spelling Bee (Fall)

Spelling Bees are a great American tradition. Bees help students improve oral and written literacy skills and build self-confidence. Each year, hundreds of thousands of Arizona students participate in Bees that can progress from classroom all the way up to regional and county qualifiers. Hosted by Arizona Educational Foundation.

Birthday Party for Jesus (Dec)

The Birthday Party for Jesus allows SHHE families to showcase their gifts by performing in a talent show and/or selling their own homemade products, crafts, or edibles. Families can reserve a vendor table and sell whatever items they have made. Examples of products in the past include: holiday decorations, small gifts, sweets and treats, pizza, hot chocolate, chips and salsa, nachos, jewelry, toy dolls, slime, Rosaries and other religious items, apparel, woodworking pieces, etc. Families have even run games or other activities. The imagination is your only limit. Both parents and kids are welcome to sell items. Participants should be cognizant of costs but be fair to themselves. The variety of items priced at different values can give both kids and adults alike a chance to shop within their price range. Children can participate in the talent show and share their personal gifts. These can include recitations, musical numbers, instrumental performances, etc. Groups of students often perform as well.

Moms’ Retreat (Jan/Feb)

This annual mid-year event is a breath of fresh air and couldn’t come at a better time. We offer this day of renewal and rejuvenation for the hearts and souls of our members. Program includes Adoration, Confession, Mass, Speaker(s), Quiet Time and Lunch.

Father-Daughter Dance (Late Winter/EarlySpring)

An unforgettable evening for daughters and their fathers, grandfathers, or godfathers, this annual event is usually held in the spring. Offering dancing, games, pictures and prizes, this experience is always a memory maker for all involved.

Mother-Son Event (Spring)

Boys of all ages and their moms are invited to join the excitement. This annual event promises some new adventure or activity for the mothers/son duo. From capture-the-flag games to scavenger hunts to games in the park, there are many opportunities for moms to spend quality time with their boys. Potluck snacks and treats typically round out the day.

May Crowning & Vocations Talk (May)

What better way to honor our Blessed Mother than to crown her and then attend a vocations talk in downtown Phoenix at the Diocesan Pastoral Center? Students are divided into groups by age and hear presentations by a priest and a religious sister, and then wrap up with a tour of St. Mary’s Basilica.

End-of-Year Meeting (May)

The last board meeting of the year, this annual event is for the entire group. All SHHE members are invited to participate to offer input, help plan the coming year, vote on important updates, and fellowship with other SHHE parents. Dinner is served, and there are often raffles. This is always an enjoyable child-free date night spent with fellow homeschooling couples.

Closing Mass and Graduation (May)

It is our greatest joy to be able to honor our 8th- and 12th-grade students with a Mass and a graduation, followed by a reception. Guests are welcome, and all SHHE families are encouraged to attend to celebrate this milestone moment with our group.

Family Campout (Summer)

This annual event held in June finds SHHE families enjoying God in the great outdoors. Held at a group campsite in Northern Arizona, you are guaranteed cooler temperatures while enjoying fun and adventure with family and friends. Mass in the mountains is celebrated by the SHHE spiritual advisor or one of the many priests who support our homeschool group. Families can participate in group hikes, arts and crafts, and a talent show. Attending the dessert potluck is a must.

AZ Catholic Homeschool Conference (Summer)

New and experienced homeschool moms and/or couples are invited to hear presentations on how to begin or continue navigating homeschooling, finding support and encouragement in our Catholic community. Browse our used curriculum sale, or bring new and used curriculum to sell. Don’t forget to check out our “Free Stuff” Table. Dinner is provided both nights.

Member Sponsored Events (events that are not eligible for SHHE insurance)

Field Trips (Vary throughout the year)

Our members love to organize field trips for our SHHE families. We have gone to various museums and events throughout the valley, including the Phoenix Zoo, Palo Verde Nuclear Power Plant, Crayola Experience, the Servidoras Convent, Boyce Thompson Arboretum, Roller Skating, Vertuccio Farms, Pioneer Arizona Living History Museum, AZ Museum of Natural History, and Hall of Flame Museum.

Moms’ Night Out (Monthly throughout the year)

This event is open to members and non-members of SHHE. Meetups are held monthly in several restaurant locations around the Valley. These evenings promise engaging discussions with homeschooling friends and more. MNO is a great way to renew and re-energize. To find a MNO near you, please check our calendar.

Park Day (Throughout the year)

This event is open to members/non-members of SHHE. Meetups are held weekly or monthly at various parks located around the valley. These morning/afternoon meetups promise engaging fellowship and free-flowing discussion with homeschooling/non-homeschooling friends while engaging in creative play. Park Day is a great way to refresh life's perspective and just breathe. To find a Park Day near you, please check our calendar.